Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Robots are able to do most human functions. They are able to drive cars (Driverless Cars Get California License) statistically better than humans. Without the factors of fatigue or distraction, a self-driving car would be able to drive, plus robots have better response time than humans. The driverless car is definitely something that I look forward too. Last week I was driving with some friends, and somehow ended up in a no outlet zone. I didn't even realize how we got there. So humans blanking out on the road can be common compared to a robot, which is never.

Humans are clearly able to make more errors than a robot. Granted, machines have made errors in the past, such as a robotic cannon accidentally firing during an exercise, taking 9 lives, (Should we put robots on trial?) but mistakes happen and we learn from them for the future.


  1. I agree that humans are clearly able to make more errors than a robot. This is due to the fact that robots and programmed and don't think for themselves. Humans are always making errors in comparison to robots.

  2. Statistically better, absolutely! Only things I would be concerned about is that actually relaxation and fun factor of driving. Id totally miss it :(

  3. So would you rather have a traditional or robotic car?
