Sunday, November 10, 2013

Privacy and Security

Privacy on the web has been a great concern in the last few months after Edward Snowden, ex-worker of the NSA, leaked files for the public to see that their government was spying on them and collecting data. Not only that, but the U.S. was also collecting data from overseas, from allies such as Germany and the U.K.
PRISM is one of those programs that the NSA use to collect and save data. Director of Nation Intelligence James R. Clapper said "information collected under this program is among the most important and valuable foreign intelligence information we collect and is used to protect our nation from a wide variety of threats." (US Intelligence Mining Data From Nine US Internet Companies In Broad Secret Program) That said, I find that the U.S. is over analyzing threats from overseas when we have the largest military in the world. Any threat that can come out of nowhere can be easily stopped by the mass amount of weapons and soldiers, and drones, we have.

Now, the fact that there are programs in your computer that analyzes what your browsing history says, what programs you use often, and how long you use them, and can be sent directly to the NSA, is a scary thought. Unfortunately, it's true. The info people have taken from them are sold to companies so that they know how to advertise themselves. It's a bold move and a smart one for marketing, but it's wrong for entering into someone's privacy without them even knowing it. (The New Gold Mine: Your Secrets)


  1. Nothing is safe on the internet. In my opinion, posting on the internet personal information is like putting it on a billboard in a mall.

  2. I definitely agree with you that nothing is safe.

  3. The security situation is definitely a nightmare, have you taken any precautions to guard your information personally?
