Thursday, November 28, 2013


Cyberbullying has become the new thing when it comes to attacking someone verbally. The only difference is that it's just a wall of text. Seriously. I believe that Cyberbullying is not an issue as anyone with a brain can just turn off their computer or block the person. It's that simple. Example, if Rebecca Ann Sedwick, a 12-year-old girl, would have just stayed away from social media, then she wouldn't have had the thoughts to commit suicide, which she did. (

Sure, disconnecting from social media sucks. But what can be done about it if you're being terrorized by people online? Just delete your profiles and start a clean new slate. I was cyberbullied in grade school. I dealt with it. Now I'm happier than ever and still using the same damn username since then because it's who I am.


  1. I totally agree with you! I don't understand how cyber bullying turned into such a big thing when I feel like it's so easy to walk away or turn it off. It really sucks that it happens though it really shouldn't

  2. Couldn't agree more. People make too big of a deal about such a simple problem, when they could be focused on bigger issues

  3. Cyberbullying can be seen as worse because words hurt more than actions.
