Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

How many social media sites am I on? Way to many in my opinion, but there are communities I am a part of that are exclusive to these social media sites. The first one I joined was Youtube. Aftewards was deviantart, which I'm using more than I have 3 years ago since I started animating. After that was Facebook, then Twitter, then Reddit, and recently Tumblr (love cat gifs).

Youtube is obvious. I make videos, so naturally I want to share them. Also, I love viewing people's creativity and adding my thoughts on improvements or what I really liked on certain videos.

Deviantart I am there to comment on people's 3D modeling work and the occasional comic or 2D art. I also download a lot of resources for my animations from dA.

Facebook is Facebook. Chat with friends and see what's up with them.

Twitter for seeing what members of the Brony community and animators are up too. Always fun.

Reddit because I love memes.

Tumblr because I love gifs. Although I find it weird as to why Yahoo would buy it and not change anything about it. (Yahoo Acquires Tumblr, Promises Not to Screw Up) It seems the same to me before they bought it out. But the reactions from the hardcore users were hilarious from what I've seen in this article:

A virtual world is basically a simulation of the real world, for example "Second Life". (Going to the virtual office in Second Life) You have an avatar that you control that goes around doing what you would be doing in real life. There are some virtual worlds that are more on the fantasy side, such as "World of Warcraft".  In these types of virtual worlds, you can explore dungeons, caves, and go on fictional adventures. In my virtual world, I'd totally want to take up a lightsaber and slash away at Sith lords and Droids. It'd be cool and something I couldn't experience in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I forgot to mention both Reddit and Youtube! I do love them both haha, good stuff. Memes will never get old!!
