Sunday, October 20, 2013

Creativity and Social Media

When it comes to social media, I haven't been involved in it as I have been in the last 2 to 3 years. I enjoy animating. A great hobby and time killer that has results to please an audience. Below is a work that I did with custom voice acting that I rounded up after scouring the internet and then eventually making it to the front page of a website known as EquestriaDaily.

Using the free program "Source Filmmaker" and using many techniques, I was able to bring the project to life within a week. Shorts are shorts after all, although I'm glad it came out the way I had imagined.


  1. Awesome, I always wanted to learn how to do animating. But I thought you would have to pay for programs like that.

  2. Hey It is a pretty cool idea to make these kinda animations! And your video is amazing I liked it :)
